Open XD
Type in custom size 1440 x 1440
Click on it to create a 1440 x 1440 canvas
Select the Elipse tool on the left tool bar
Click on the canvas and drag the circle to have W 850 and H 850
Place the circle in the center of the canvas
Select the Fill on the right tool bar
Type the Fill color of the circle to be #E9A263
Select the Border on the right tool bar
Type the Border color of the circle to be #B17F64
Select the Size number
Type in 10
Select the Elipse tool on the left tool bar
Click on the canvas and drag the circle to have W 500 and H 500
Place the circle in the center of the canvas
Select the Fill on the right tool bar
Type the Fill color of the circle to be #D18C4F
Unselect the box on the left of Border
Select the Rectangle tool on the left tool bar
Click on the canvas and drag the square to have W 250 and H 250
Place the square in the center of the canvas
Select the Same radius for all corners (below Blend Mode) on the right tool bar
Type in 50
Select the Fill on the right tool bar
Type the Fill color of the circle to be #FFF0CE
Select the Border on the right tool bar
Type the Border color of the circle to be #E3BC3B
Select the Size number
Type in 10
Export the canvas as PNG
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My Pancake:
Ethan's pancake: